A word from The Chaplain
August 24, 2022 2022-09-03 16:37WORD FROM THE CHAPLAIN

The Chaplaincy of Moi Primary School Kabarak is handled and facilitated by the school chaplain. Whereas spiritual emphasis whose programmes roles from morning devotion, Christian union fellowship, and pastoral programme of instructions (PPI) Sunday chapel service, catechism classes, leading to Baptism, Guiding and counseling sessions and Annual Mission outreach ministries.
A true child of God hates sin and loves righteousness. Truth is like a surgery it hurts but it heals. A lie is like a pain killer it gives instant relief but has side effects forever. Therefore the kingdom of God is the sovereign rule of God which He extends over human lives through the ministry of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Its manifestation reveals the coming of Jesus to earth. His death and resurrection marked the beginning of the kingdom of God in the life of believer’s testimony. The highest standard of the kingdom is God Himself.
The school is guided by the Moral Code” Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)
From a well-laid foundation, the Kabarak institution spearheaded by the Chaplain plays a major role in shaping a Christian culture that is unique in character transformation, developing God fearing individuals in the service of God. The Chaplaincy perceives God as the supreme source of spiritual blessings in the following seven attributes of God;
1. God is sovereign over all things Psalms 103:19.
2. God knows everything. Psalms 139:2-6
3. God is our loving father. Jeremiah 31:3
4. God is Holy. Hebrews 7:28
5. God is Just. Psalms 11:7
6. God is merciful. Psalms 103:10
7. God never changes. Malachi 3:6; Hebrews; 13:8
God’s character and actions are the same towards us today as they were towards Abraham and David many years ago. “As the dear pants for streams of water, so my soul parts for you my God. (Psalms 42:1).
The chaplaincy is committed to equipping the believers to succeed, to win, to overcome temptation and to become a blessing to others.
The chaplaincy wish to thank God for the founder and the late Patron of the Kabarak institutions His Excellency Daniel T. Arap Moi who has been a practical role model, a vision bearer in culcating Hard work, discipline, the fear of God through character built on Christian values.
In conclusion, in the journey of life, we pass pleasures and pain. There will be sunshine and rain. There will be loss and gain, failures and success. But we must learn to smile again and again. May God filled us with His presence, peace, love, Happiness, favor and blessings for our coming together is a beginning, keeping together is a progress and working together is a success. God bless Moi Primary School Kabarak. On earth we Rise!